Hair mesotherapy is a method widely preferred by both men and women to prevent hair loss and strengthen hair follicles. Nowadays, many ways have emerged to reduce and stop hair loss. Hair mesotherapy is one of the most preferred treatments in terms of side effects. Although hair loss varies from person to person, it is generally observed that it occurs with the following results; Hormonal disorders, genetic factors, medications or stress. Hair mesotherapy is the process of applying necessary minerals and vitamins to the scalp by microinjection. Vitamins, minerals, keratins and amino acids that the hair needs are injected directly under the skin with a small needle. This strengthens the roots and prevents hair loss. In addition, inactive hair cells wake up and provide new hair formation.

How is Hair Mesotherapy Applied?

Mesotherapy technology is one of the most popular treatments in clinical treatment. In general, it is the method that should be used in hair thermotherapy and special head massages. Similar to hyperthermia, ozonated vapors soften the hair and make it suitable for mesotherapy. This makes the scalp less sensitive to pain.

After the thermotherapy process, a special mixture of vitamins, minerals, keratolytic agents, minoxidil, blood circulation accelerators and local anesthetics is applied to the hair structure. This mixture is transferred to the hair mesotherapy gun. The hair mesotherapy gun is controlled by a computer. The area to be applied is determined with the gun and the dose of the drug to be injected is adjusted. This prevents overdose and directs the medicine to the right place. After all these adjustments are made, the medicine is applied to the scalp with a gun.

Who is Hair Mesotherapy Suitable for?

Individuals eligible for hair mesotherapy are all men and women with the following disabilities:

• Those who complain of hair loss.

• People with weak hair.

• People who experience hair damage and volume loss.

• People who lose the shine of their hair.

• People at risk of genetic hair loss.

• Those whose hair breaks easily.

• People experiencing hair loss due to diet or malnutrition.

• Those whose hair grows slowly.

There is no age limit for hair mesotherapy. Men and women of all ages suffering from related hair conditions can benefit from the treatment.

How is Hair Mesotherapy Done?

Hair mesotherapy is performed by injecting the necessary substances into the hair follicles 2-4 mm below the scalp with a small needle. Vitamins and minerals necessary for hair; The mixture prepared with substances such as zinc, copper, iron, calcium, potassium, biotin, minoxidil, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin A is placed under the skin. This process accelerates blood circulation, accelerates the formation of new hair cells and strengthens weak hair cells.

Before hair mesotherapy, the scalp is softened with a steam bath. This ensures that all cells are open. Mesotherapy can be performed painlessly. Hair mesotherapy treatments are available individually. All scalp needs may vary. A specialist will examine your scalp and create a separate mixture containing the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other ingredients. To complete the treatment, the mixture is injected subcutaneously in several sessions.

How Many Sessions Are Hair Mesotherapy Applied?

Hair Mesotherapy can take an average of 7-11 sessions. The duration of treatment depends on the person's condition. In case of hair loss, the treatment is first applied intensively and then supported by preventive treatment. The first session is applied once a week and then continued once a month.

After the treatment is completed, scalp health is maintained with preventive sessions once or twice a year to protect the hair follicles. Hair mesotherapy sessions can last approximately 40-50 minutes. In the first session, the scalp is analyzed. A personalized treatment card is then created. Hair mesotherapy applications help your hair become healthy and thick in a short time of 5-6 months.

How Does Hair Mesotherapy Interact?

Hair Mesotherapy maximizes its effect after 4-5 sessions. According to experts, you can already see the changes in the hair in the first session of hair mesotherapy. When the scalp regains its moisture, the hair becomes soft and shiny. New hair follicles can be seen growing in the 3rd or 4th month of hair mesotherapy treatment. Hair stem cell renewal can take up to 3-4 months.

Things Not to Do After Mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy is generally a simple solution, but there are some points to keep in mind. First of all, the hair mesotherapy test should tell a specialist whether there are any medications used regularly during this period. Some of these medications may cause blood thinning and a specialist doctor can inform you about these medications. You may also need to wash your hair before the session. You may not need to wash your hair for 1-2 days after hair mesotherapy.

It is recommended to quit smoking and alcohol after hair mesotherapy. You may also need to protect your scalp from direct sunlight immediately after surgery. All procedures and aspects before and after hair mesotherapy will be carefully outlined by the medical professional. It is important to pay attention to these points in order to complete the treatment period without any problems.

Features of Hair Mesotherapy Application

It is known that genetic factors are at the forefront in hair loss. In fact, scientific methods are almost always possible to stop hair loss and grow new hair at a constant rate. In hair mesotherapy, a medicine that affects the hair follicles is administered to the problematic area with a very thin needle at very short intervals.

What are the Advantages of Mesotherapy?

Hair Mesotherapy supports new and healthy hair follicles, accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, eliminates dandruff on the scalp, and prevents various scalp diseases. Hair mesotherapy is one of the guaranteed and most effective treatments for long and healthy hair due to its many benefits. Other advantages of hair mesotherapy are lower treatment costs, painless surgery, shorter session times, shorter and more effective results compared to other methods.

Is There Pain During the Procedure?

If the pain threshold is very low, the scalp can be prepared for mesotherapy with a topical anesthetic cream before use. Local anesthesia injections can also be used by sensitive people. There is no application-related hair loss during the procedure. Hair mesotherapy is performed with very thin needles, the patient feels very little pain. After the hair mesotherapy procedure, ice is applied to relieve pain and relax.

How Many Sessions Does the Treatment Take?

After the treatment, the hair regains a healthier appearance. Depending on the needs of your hair, one or two sessions can be applied per week. After 7-11 sessions, hair loss will stop completely. Each session lasts approximately 40 minutes on average.

The first four sessions are held once a week, and the last four sessions are held every 15 days. Hair mesotherapy is effective during the seasonal transitions of September, October and April-May. This is even more important for hair transplant patients and at-risk patient groups.

Should I Decide on Mesotherapy?

To perform hair mesotherapy, various adjuvants are placed under the skin along with the active ingredients. This method is usually used by professionals and requires a very thin needle. The procedure is performed using a specially designed syringe. Mesotherapy is one of the most painless methods.

Women or men with bulky, falling out, brittle or sparse hair may prefer hair mesotherapy. There is no harm in performing this procedure after the suitability is determined according to the tests.

What is the Effect of Hair Mesotherapy on Hair?

The effect of hair mesotherapy varies from person to person. The results of genetic hair loss treatment may be seen later, but those with intermittent hair loss can see results immediately. In order to get the most effective results at the end of the treatment, timely and complete attendance should be ensured. When it has the ingredients you need for your scalp, it doesn't take long to get good results.

Is Hair Mesotherapy a Painful Treatment?

Hair mesotherapy is not a painful procedure. There may be deviations depending on the individual pain threshold. The areas most sensitive to pain are the ears and the back of the head. To avoid complications and discomfort after mesotherapy, you should not wash your hair.

There is no obvious pain. You may feel a normal slight pain when the needle tip touches the skin. It is not a difficult process. It is a weak treatment in terms of side effects.

Hair Mesotherapy Prices 2022

Quality should not be overlooked when it comes to health and care. In this regard, treatment with the best doctors and the best clinical environment will always lead to positive results. You need to allocate a certain budget for all these and give it up. The price depends on quality and experience, so the service you receive is worth the result and the demand for the use of hair mesotherapy is increasing.