Nowadays, plastic surgery has become a common practice for women and men seeking a more aesthetic appearance. Butt aesthetics, which has gained particular popularity among these surgeries in recent years, is a cosmetic procedure known as butt aesthetics in Turkey. With this operation, the butt can have a fuller, more contoured and higher appearance. Today, with the changing perception of beauty, butt aesthetics has become increasingly popular in cosmetic surgery. This aesthetic procedure, which provides the hips with a fuller, more contoured and proportionate appearance, is preferred by both women and men. With its advanced technological infrastructure, experienced doctors and affordable prices, Turkey is an ideal destination for those looking for this aesthetics.

What is Butt Aesthetics and How is it Done?

Buttock aesthetics is an aesthetic procedure that aims to eliminate sagging, deformity or aging effects. This procedure is usually performed by methods such as fat injection, stretching or lifting. Butt aesthetics can be applied to people who have deformities in their buttocks, have increased sagging due to aging, or have lost their fullness.

Butt Aesthetic Surgery Methods: Vaser Liposuction and Fat Injection

Today, vaser liposuction and fat injection are among the frequently preferred methods in butt aesthetic surgeries. While Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound energy to precisely remove fat tissue, fat injection occurs by injecting fat containing stem cells into the buttock. The appropriate one among these methods is chosen depending on the patient's condition.

Hip Aesthetics Applications: Fat Removal, Lifting and Lifting, Using Prosthesis

Hip aesthetics includes various applications such as fat removal, lifting and tightening procedures, and the use of prosthesis. Individuals with small or shapeless hips, those with genetic appearance disorders, or those with sagging due to old age, can achieve the look they want with hip aesthetics.

Butt Lift Surgery and Recovery Process

Butt lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia. After the surgery, it can usually take up to a month for the patient to return to normal life. During the healing process, careful behavior such as using a corset and removing stitches is required.

Things to Consider After Butt and Hip Aesthetics

After butt and hip aesthetics, attention should be paid to the use of medical corsets, heavy sports should be avoided and attention should be paid to nutrition. In addition, the doctor's recommendations must be followed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Yaklaşık 45 dakika ile 1 saat arasında popo estetiği ameliyatı sürer.
Ağrılı bir operasyon olmayan popo estetiği, kullanılan yöntem türüne göre de hafif ağrılara neden olabilir. Bu durum germe ve dikleştirme ameliyatı için geçerlidir. 

Yapılan popo estetiği ameliyatında da cerrahi risklerin tümü bulunur. Ancak protez kullanarak işlem yapılması halinde kayma ya da dışardan belli olacak kadar yamulma görülebilir.

Yağ enjeksiyonu ve protez kullanılarak yapılan popo estetiği işleminde iz görülmez. Ancak dikleştirme yapılması halinde ameliyat izi kalır. 

Estetik operasyonlar kişiye özeldir. Hastanın durumu değerlendirilir ve hastaya fiyat verilir. Popo estetiği da buna göre belirlenir.
